Rachael Kirkconnell is going through a major breakup from Matt James, who she won The Bachelor with in 2020. It was a series of ups and downs, but ultimately, she won him over and they went home together. However, they’ve now split up and it’s only been drama after drama since she revealed she was blindsided by her partner of almost five years.
Rachael Kirkconnell speaks out on her next partner
Rachael Kirkconnell has done several interviews since her breakup from Matt James. Her recent chat has been all about their split and what she plans for her next partner. And guess what? She’ll be manifesting a simp, which is dictionary-defined as a silly or foolish person, but in slang terms, is someone who shows excessive sympathy and attention towards a romantic interest.
“It’s only been a few weeks, but I’m definitely in that phase of just, like, still trying to grasp everything and figure out a new normal. It’s easier said than done,” Rachael said in an interview with Cosmopolitan on February 7. “Some days are easier than others, but I’m feeling OK. Breakups are normal; they happen to everyone.”
“I don’t think you need anyone in your life to be happy. They should be an addition to your life, but they shouldn’t make or break your happiness,” she continued, saying she “honestly just want him [her next partner] to be a simp.” And this Valentine’s Day, she’s stealing her girlfriends away from their partners to have a Las Vegas post-break-up trip.
Matt James, she won’t come running back
Since Rachael’s interview, Matt has deleted the split announcement from his Instagram, just as she said she won’t ever get back with him. She said there’s “no way” she’ll ever “let herself” rekindle with her ex. As for what Matt’s been up to as he grieves their relationship, he’s been more silent but booked a one-way trip to Kenya following the breakup.
Weirdly, she’s kept up the photos and videos on her IG feed from when they were together. Rachael told Cosmopolitan: “I’m working a lot on my self-confidence and feeling good about myself regardless of what others say or think about me. The biggest thing I’ve been doing, whether I’m rolling out of bed in the morning or getting ready, is looking in the mirror and telling myself, ‘You’re beautiful, you’re a rock star.’”
She continued: “But I think just the way it went down was really crazy for me to comprehend and still is. In a way, it almost makes it easier, you know? I think when something crazy like that happens, it’s something that you can almost replay in your head to get over it quicker, if that makes any sense.”
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