With news of a Buffy the Vampire Slayer reboot officially in the works, and the recent revival of 90s and y2k fashion, there’s no better time to revisit some of Buffy’s most iconic outfits – I mean, the girl knows how to slay.
Although the first few seasons’ late 90s outfits might be a little more authentic than some of its CGI, as the show evolved, so did Buffy’s wardrobe, reflecting both her changing character and killer ability to keep ahead of the trends. I’m convinced that her early season outfits would do serious numbers on Vinted: Leather jackets? Tank tops? Knee high boots? Forget clocking in at Doublemeat Palace – Buffy would’ve been making bank. Meanwhile, her later looks wouldn’t be out of place on any put-together girlie’s casual-chic Pinterest board, proving the Slayer provided us with some immortal looks.
The standards are high when it comes to ranking Buffy the Vampire Slayer’s killer outfits, so let’s take a deep dive back through the seasons to see which of her most unforgettable fashion moments truly let her stake her claim as a style icon.
14. Bedazzled beanie

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Ok, so starting off strong, we’ve got the iconic “bomb” beanie with the flowery pink cami – perhaps a questionable pairing, but of course, the queen of the double life can pull it off. The sequins are really pulling this outfit together – I mean what 90s outfit would really be complete without a bit of rhinestone?
13. Overalls of sadness

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Every girl has to have their emotional turmoil outfit, and Buffy show’s us exactly how it’s done in her iconic “overalls of sadness”. I’m absolutely obsessed with the very effortless ponytail (almost a half up, half down situation), and the quarter length sleeves actually work. If this underrated look doesn’t convince you to scour the dungarees rack of the next overpriced vintage shop you enter then I don’t know what will. Honestly, I wish I looked this good every time I had a crisis.
12. Graduation fit?
With the quick ponytail, the long red leather jacket, and the obligatory weapon accessory, nothing screams Buffy quite like this look. In the lead up to exploding their mayor turned demon, this is a look which – like many Buffy outfits – quite literally kills.
11. Flashback Buffy

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The perfect look for the moment your world gets turned upside down. The earring configuration, the coordination of the daisies with the flower clips, the subtle nail polish and lipgloss are all immaculate. Even if her slayer abilities weren’t yet refined, clearly Buffy’s always had her sense of style.
10. Birthday Buffy

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The Willow and Tara influence is definitely present in Buffy’s 21st birthday outfit. I’m all here for the frilled off the shoulder moment, and honestly, the flipped bob is so back – very sleek.
9. Leather trouser legend

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Although Faith might not have always had a positive influence on Buffy’s morals, her influence on Buffy’s style was pivotal – in fact, this double leather look that has come to be quintessentially Buffy. Although I can’t begin to imagine how uncomfortable this outfit might have been to wear – let alone partake in hand to hand combat in – Buffy looks right at home in this timeless look.
8. Winter chic slay

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I have absolutely no idea what this type of hat is called, but I feel like I need it. A very typical season six Buffy the Vampire Slayer outfit. Sophisticated, coordinated, and completely covering up the chaos of her life.
7. Campus queen

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The “new college, new me” look, executed to an absolute tee. Buffy really knows how to work the cherry print (coordinated with the watch and bag? Iconic.) and I can literally picture this outfit in an Urban Outfitters shop window – truly a timeless fit.
6. Prophecy gal

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Probably the most iconic Buffy outfit – the leather jacket over the graduation dress really says it all. Of course, the crossbow really ties the look together. Drop dead gorgeous.
5. Sunnies for Sunnydale

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Serving ultimate season one sass, a very skiving school to save the world-esque outfit. The newly acquired cross, really complements the v-neck – a simple but effective look topped of by an iconic pair of Summer’s sunglasses.
4. Oversized leather jacket lewk

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Despite the romantic gesture, this oversized leather jacket honestly trumps Angel’s jacket any day. Out of the many many leather jackets in Buffy’s wardrobe, I think this has probably got to be my favourite.
3. Dragon dress, high boots

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Okay, clearly the fashion was carrying the first season of Buffy, because landing in third place is yet another bold season one look. This time, we’re talking about the short navy tank dress emblazoned with a dragon, paired with almost knee high boots and that effortlessly cool half-up, half-down hairstyle – an underrated gem. What do you get if you add the number of seasons of Buffy and an original film? (Eight).
2. Yummy sushi pyjamas

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I don’t think a day has passed since I watched this episode that I’ve gone to bed without wishing that I was wearing Buffy’s iconic “yummy sushi pyjamas”. The matching set is honestly so cute – I think this year’s going to be the year that they finally make it on to the Christmas list.
1. Leopard print perfection

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Coming in at number one is the ultimate Buffy outfit—an iconic blend of rebellion and glam. The fitted leather jacket, perfectly matching the length of the leopard print dress, paired with the signature boots, was the height of fashion. This look would still go just as hard today as it did in 1997, proving that Buffy wasn’t always just one step ahead of each season’s “big bad”, but the fashion curve too.
So, if you’re looking for fashion inspiration, this list proves you have no excuse not to watch (or rewatch) all seven seasons of Buffy – no skipping the first season if you want to witness those true 90s gems. When Buffy does make her return, we can only hope some of these iconic outfits come back with her.