The days of Europe hiding behind America’s coattails are over. For those who haven’t been paying attention, Trump has just thrown the cold water of reality over our heads. We need to take responsibility for our own security—before it’s too late.
For years, America has warned us. President after president has told Europe that the free ride won’t last forever.

Grant Shapps has warned America is done carrying Europe[/caption]
Yet we collectively shrugged, smiled, and assumed they were bluffing. It’s like a fire alarm ringing in the distance—we heard it, but we never thought the flames would reach us.
Well, now that fire is on our doorstep.
Trump picked up the phone to Vladimir Putin, and claimed he can “sort out” Ukraine. Whether you think that’s genius diplomacy or reckless bravado, one thing is clear: America is done carrying Europe.
Let’s be brutally honest. The US taxpayer is sick of carrying Europe on its back.
And who can blame them? While America spends over 3.5% of its GDP on defence, Germany, the economic powerhouse of Europe, barely scrapes past 1.5% with their regular annual defence budget.
It gets worse. Some countries literally don’t even try: Austria, Ireland and Switzerland enjoy all the effective benefits of a the Western security alliance, but they don’t contribute a penny to NATO.
And all the time, Europe has sat back and assumed Washington would continue to pick up the tab. Well, now they’re checking the bill, and it’s clear—they’re done paying over the odds.
In fairness, many of us have seen this coming.
I spent my time as Defence Secretary arguing for stronger British and European defences.
In my Lancaster House speech last January, I built the case that the world is getting more dangerous. In the short term, we needed to commit to at least 2.5% of GDP on defence.
The speech helped move the needle, and I subsequently persuaded the Prime Minister and Chancellor to back that vision.
Tens-of-billions more was to be invested in defending ourselves by the end of the decade. But what happened next? Labour came in and threw that commitment out the window. To our opponents that backtracking looked weak.
Even without that cash, Britain still remains the biggest defence spender in Europe. And that means – just as the Americans are doing – we too should demand more from our European allies.
Here is a little known fact that demonstrates the point.
In addition to spending more in cash terms than any other European nation, the UK also dedicates our entire nuclear arsenal to help protect European nations.
By contrast, supposedly pro-Europe France keeps their sovereign Nuclear defence to themselves – refusing NATO requests to protect allies.
So here’s the point: if we’re offering European nations an unbreakable nuclear umbrella, why aren’t they pulling their defence weight in other directions?
Just like America, Britain should also be demanding greater European defence contributions, in return for our steadfast nuclear cover.
Our deterrent is the ultimate insurance policy—if they want that security, they also need to pay their fair share.
It’s time to stop tiptoeing around those European governments that refuse to invest in their own and our collective security.
Trump’s dramatic intervention inevitably raises the prospect of what happens next in Ukraine. Will NATO troops be called upon to police a new front-line?
And if so, should Britain say yes if we are called upon to serve? I believe we should, but in return, other freedom living countries on our continent, including the majority that contribute too little, and the minority that contribute nothing at all – should all be required to step-up to the plate and add to our collective defence security.
Because, here’s the truth: the days of Europe hiding behind America’s coattails really are over.
That fire alarm – muffled for so long – can no longer be ignored. This is our continent and we need to take responsibility for our own security—before it’s too late.