Maybe you’re a first year, or soon finishing your degree at King’s, and you’re wondering – what have I got left on my KCL bucket list?
It’s true, according to The Complete University Guide, the rate of student satisfaction at KCL is low (we placed 117th out of 119 unis, what!?), but at least our graduate prospects are high at 79.9 per cent. Let’s just say we make the most of what we’re given.
So, from shared student experiences to once-in-a-lifetime opportunities, here are 25 things you need to do before graduation to fully enjoy your time at KCL.
1. Go to the Round Reading Room in Maughan Library to ‘study’ but actually to go take aesthetic photos
Let’s be for real. No one going into the Round Reading Room is actually going to study; it’s just for the aesthetic Instagram Story.
2. Complain about how much you’re paying in comparison to what you’re getting in return
Paying for accommodation until summer when teaching finishes in March? Diabolical.
3. Beg the security guard to let you in five minutes before your lecture because you forgot your ID
Everyone’s been there when you thought you put your lanyard in your bag, but when you try to get it out, it is nowhere to be seen. Genuinely, why would I be on campus at 9am if I weren’t an actual student? You then are forced to get a temporary sticker to prove you are an actual student.
4. Take a picture with the Reggie the Lion statue
What is there not to love about our mascot Reggie? He might be a little hard and cold but deserves a cuddle.
5. Skate in Somerset House instead of going to a lecture
Join the hundreds of others willing to shell out £25 to take pictures in front of the massive Christmas tree. Don’t worry if you don’t know how to skate; they have tiny penguins that can help you maintain balance.
6. Get a little bit too tipsy at the Vault or Guy’s Bar
We’ve all been there when we thought we could handle one more drink, but you start looking at your friends in a whole new light.
7. Pull an all-nighter at Maughan Library
We’ve all been there when you have two essays due the next day and you don’t have one word written down. The Maughan is the place to go. Although it may seem scary and maze-like, it can actually be your second home for a night or a few. They even have a shower for you!
8. Get stormed on while walking between Strand and Waterloo campus
Good luck to all those who have to walk across Waterloo multiple times a day. On a good day, you get to see major tourist attractions on your 10-minute walk across the bridge. However, on a bad day, your hard work styling your hair and outfit becomes a soaking wet mess.
9. Go to a society’s event just for the free drinks
It has become a King’s standard for every society’s event to include at least a bottle or two. Use these events to network and, importantly, get free drinks. It’s free, so why not?
10. Try the porridge at the Chapters Restaurant in the King’s Building
The £0.50 porridge is honestly such a steal in this economy. Remember to sprinkle the free cinnamon and spices.
11. Hang out in The Meadow (RIP)
Still devastated that they closed the seventh and eighth floor of Bush House SE. Everyone’s favourite nap and hang out place is gone.
12. Sunbathe on the River Terrace Café
Some of the best views of London can be seen while you work outside on a sunny day if you are lucky. Nothing is more relaxing than getting some vitamin D while you get to see major London attractions. Take advantage of a sunny day and enjoy the fresh air.
13. Take your LinkedIn photo on the steps of Bush House
At this point, every person has taken a professional photo on the steps of Bush House in front of the massive King’s sign and chess set. If you haven’t had the chance to, this is your sign to take that photo.
14. Get lost in between Chesham, Macadam, and Norfolk Buildings
They really should invest in better signage because it is basically a multi-level maze. You always have to give yourself 5 minutes extra to navigate these buildings.
15. Skip your afternoon classes to go back to your accommodation for a well earned afternoon nap
This is me and my priorities in a nutshell.
16. Show up to a Thursday 9am seminar after a night at sports night
If we are being real, if you even show up to a Thursday 9am seminar, that’s honestly an accomplishment. Showing up for any 9am lecture or seminar is honestly an accomplishment in itself.
17. Get the mandatory matcha before a lecture
Thank god they opened two Blank Streets within walking distance of Strand Campus. If matcha isn’t your cup of tea, there are also plenty of options on and off campus.
18. Lied about delays on the tube or train
We’ve all been there when we overslept or just simply forgot about a lecture or seminar. With the number of delays and strikes, honestly, saying it was the train or tube is the most understandable and believable reason for being late.
19. Grab lunch at Covent Garden
Just a five minute walk from Strand Campus, Covent Garden and its surrounding areas have some of the best restaurants in London. Especially leading up to Christmas, it can be packed with people, but the views are just stunning. Be careful, people might mistake you for a tourist, but there are some seriously good options in the area.
20. Join a random society just for fun
From the knitting and crocheting society to the pole society, the options are truly endless. If your hobby does not already have a society, you can be the one to create it through KCLSU.
21. Go on a spontaneous trip
Whether it be somewhere near or abroad, you have to embrace the international student lifestyle at least once and go somewhere on the weekends or during reading weeks. From partying in Mykonos to exploring castles in Scotland, living in London gives you a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to travel and explore Europe and more. Plus, you get to destress from academic work!
22. Visit Jeremy Bentham in the flesh
You have to visit our rival UCL’s campus and see the man who sparked the rivalry between KCL and UCL. If you think about it, it is actually kind of gross to have the bones of a man from the 1800s and his mummified head on display for everyone to see. Doesn’t his head look so kickable? Just kidding, I don’t want to face expulsion.
23. Go on random night walks exploring London
Nothing beats walking around central London and seeing our campuses at night. Whether you’re taking a break from revising or out to grab a pint with your friends, it’s worthwhile to see the London monuments and grab a late night snack.
24. Bump into celebrities and influencers
From Oscar-winning stars to Love Island contestants, you are bound to bump into a celebrity for a few. Timothée Chalamet, Luca Bish, and Zoe Saldaña are just some of the many famous people spotted near campus, so be on the lookout.
25. Enjoy your friends while you all are still at uni!
The three years will fly by, so you should cherish every single moment while you still live in the same city. Make those core memories that you will remember for the rest of your life.