This is the reason Adrian is the only MAFS Australia cast member who always has subtitles

You might have noticed that Adrian has subtitles when he speaks, a lot more often than any other MAFS Australia 2025 cast member. In fact, he’s one of the only cast members ever on the show to have nearly permanent subtitles when he speaks.

People have been quite brutal with saying they need the help to understand Adrian on the show. “Did anyone else not have subtitles when he was talking at the dinner party? Hurt my brain trying to understand him,” one person on TikTok said. So, most of the time, it’s automated that he’ll have subtitles on when he speaks, to help people understand.

“The subtitles are saving me,” someone said. Another added: “And he’s the only one with subtitles as well.” So, why? Adrian himself has spoken out about the show giving him subtitles, and why he thinks it happened.

Adrian has addressed why he has subtitles on MAFS Australia 2025

Adrian has spoken about his accent, and joked about the idea people can’t understand him on the show. Speaking on the MAFS Funny podcast, he put it down to where he’s from.

“I’m from Sydney, and where I grew up is a multi-cultured community,” he said. “I grew up around a lot of islanders, Aboriginals, Europeans and Australians, a bit of everything, and it’s just my accent, bro. I do mumble, 100 per cent. Sometimes I mumble, that’s just me, bro.”

He then snapped back at anyone talking negatively about his accent on the show. Adrian added: “At the end of the day, when anyone says, ‘You’ve got subtitles, bro,’ I’m still on the biggest show in Australia. What are you doing? You’re watching me and reading those subtitles.” I mean, fair enough.

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