Watch as devastated Who Wants To Be A Millionaire player loses £93k on tricky question – would you know the answer?

A WHO Wants To Be A Millionaire player lost a staggering amount of money on Sunday’s show – but would you have got the answer right?

The latest episode of the ITV quiz show saw Jeremy Clarkson pose questions to Paul Sharpe, a self-professed adrenaline junkie from Finsbury Park, London.

Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? set with two contestants.
Who Wants To Be A Millionaire returned on Sunday night
Screenshot of a contestant on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? answering a question about US state capitals.
Player Paul Sharpe stumbled on a huge question, which cost him big money

Paul took a fair few risks during the show, making several wild guesses with very little to base his rationale on – but it paid off, for the majority of his time in the hot seat.

Even Jeremy was impressed by his courage and said: “I can’t remember ever having a contestant like you.”

He made his way up the board to £64,000 with a £32,000 safety net.

And he had the potential to win another £93,000 when he made it to the £125,000 question.

But he stumbled when asked about US state capitals.

He was asked: “Which of these is not the name of a US state capital?”

Paul was given the options: A) Lincoln, B) Richmond, C) Cambridge or D) Dover.

He was stumped on the question, telling Jeremy: “I’m pretty sure that Cambridge is the state capital of Massachusetts.”

“I think Dover is in the Mid West somewhere, so my gut feeling says Richmond,” Paul said, but with two lifelines gone he decided to call his dad, Dennis.

Dennis was pretty confident that the answer was Dover and when his son asked if he was sure he said: “Pretty sure.”

“That’s the kind of person you want on the other end of the phone – clear, decisive, possibly wrong but who knows,” Jeremy laughed.

Joking about his game playing, Paul said: “I’ve been guessing stuff based on less than that before. Dover, final answer.”

To his horror, Jeremy grimaced: “Oh you’ve done it again, and you’ve just lost £32,000.”

The correct answer was Cambridge.

“I’m so sorry. Lady Luck has ridden off,” the presenter said.

“No problem at all. I’d never have guessed Cambridge in a million years,”

Pointing out that not all was lost, Jezza said: “Look at it this way, you’re winning £32,000.”

One viewer wrote on X: “Who wants to be a millionaire and the guys doing brilliant until his phone a friend, rings his Dad, uses his answer and loses £32k.”

Screenshot of a contestant on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? facing a question about US state capitals.
Jeremy Clarkson tried to look on the bright side and reminded Paul he still had a large sum of money
Screenshot of a contestant on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? considering the question: "Which of these is not the name of a US state capital?"  The options are Lincoln, Richmond, Cambridge, and Dover.
His phone-a-friend gave him the wrong answer

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