We asked students for their fave things about Lancs are and the responses are adorable!

It’s Valentine’s Day and love is in the air! Whether you’re all coupled up this February 14th, or you’re single and planning a lovely Galentine’s with your best friends, it’s definitely the perfect day for some well-deserved relaxation!

While students are trekking around Lancaster searching for the perfect spot for their Valentine’s Day plans and hoping that their crush has confessed their love for them on LancsCrush, a lot of us get a long awaited break from the stresses of deadline season. It’s quite possibly the only day of the uni year that you actually get to appreciate Lancaster without thinking about your dissertation, so we thought we’d make the most of it by asking students what they love the most about life in Lancaster – and the responses are so adorable, we just had to share them!

“It feels like a massive village”

This is so so true! While Lancaster is technically a city, it’s so small and close-knit that it basically feels like we’re living in a countryside village half of the time…but we’ve at least got a Primark, so we’re not going too crazy. Another person told us that they love that Lancs residents are “always bumping into people you know” and we couldn’t agree more – being in such a small city means you’ll rarely go a day without seeing a friend!

“The sunsets!”

Lancaster sunsets are incredible, especially when you’re taking a walk along the canal – dusk photos take up about 30 per cent of our camera rolls, and we wouldn’t have it any other way.

“Spotting someone I know all the way across Alex Square and the little wave/quick walk to go talk”

This one gets the award for quite possibly the cutest response we had – bumping into friends on campus always brightens our days and it’s such a welcome surprise when you’ve just braved the walk along the Spine in between lectures.

“The Her Lancaster group!”

We love a Her Lancaster shout out! It’s an incredibly supportive community for female-identifying and non-binary Lancaster residents, and you can check out our profile of the group here!

“The calmness and peace of the nature”

We definitely agree with this one – the best parts of Sundays in Lancs are walking up to Williamson Park or along the canal and people/nature watching. Another student said they love going for walks in summertime especially – we’re definitely excited for the post-dissertation months when the ducks are always around and we can finally attempt a natural tan!

“Feeling safe all the time”

Being in a campus uni which has such a tight-knit community is so great for an added level of security as a student! We love that students feel so secure in Lancs.

“The ducks”

They’re so adorable they deserved their own mention – the 70 per cent of our camera rolls that aren’t filled with sunset pics are solely dedicated to duck close-ups.

“Farmers markets in town and on campus”

They really make us feel like we’re in a rom-com!

“Toasties at Coastal!”

The day Coastal opened was the day Lancaster students’ lives immediately became a thousand times less stressful – seeing someone eating a Coastal toastie in the library makes you look at your slightly soggy pasta salad with a lot of dissappointment…but it’s nothing a hot chocolate from Coastal won’t fix!

“Derwent Road and looking down at the castle”


We love finding our personal favourite spots for walks in Lancaster – there are just so many to choose from! We’re really glad this student has found theirs because it sounds like a stunning one.

“Cats as my walking buddies”

Lancs wouldn’t be what it is without our animals – spotting Guinness on the walk from a lecture to our flats is the highlight of any first year’s day.

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