Comedian Katherine Ryan recently revealed a new skin cancer diagnosis after returning to the doctors for a second opinion on a mole she felt ‘uneasy’ about.
Speaking on her podcast, Telling Everybody Everything, the comedian warned melanoma was ‘a deadly form of skin cancer’ and that ‘it does spread quickly’.
This isn’t the first time Katherine has battled cancer, as the 41-year-old previously underwent an operation to remove a ‘golf ball-sized lump’ on her leg while at university.
Her shocking news comes as cases are projected to rise by 9% in the coming years.
New melanoma skin cancer cases are set to increase from 20,800 cases in the 2023 to 2025 period, to an average of 26,500 cases between 2038 and 2040, according to Cancer Research UK. That’s a staggering rate of 33 cases per 100,000 people.
Despite the projection, the UK charity revealed last year that it believes around 17,000 melanoma cases every year are preventable, with the majority of cases caused by too much ultraviolet (UV) radiation.
Katherine shared how important it was to be her ‘own advocate’ when it comes to concerns about skin cancer, but you can only do this if you know how to spot the warning signs.
Here’s what you need to know.

What is melanoma?
Cancer Research UK warns that there are two types of skin cancer – melanoma skin cancer and non-melanoma skin cancer.
They state that ‘Melanoma is a different type of skin cancer that develops from skin cells called melanocytes.’
Non-melanoma skin cancers are rarer and include basal cell skin cancer, squamous cell skin cancer and others
What are the signs of melanoma skin cancer?
Symptoms of melanoma include a change to a mole, freckle, or an otherwise normal patch of skin.
Despite initially getting the all-clear from the doctors, Katerine Ryan said her mole ‘kept changing’, leading to her seeking a second opinion.
So, how do we know if it’s something to be concerned about?

Dr Sagar Patel, a dermatology specialist at MyHealthcare Clinic, said: ‘Unfortunately, the UK is way behind countries such as Australia and the United States when it comes to awareness of moles.
‘While regular mole-mapping is very common in other parts of the world, many Brits simply ignore changes in their skin.
‘Granted, we don’t have the same warm climate, but you don’t need high temperatures to be exposed to harmful UV rays that can increase the chances of a mole becoming cancerous.’
How to check for skin cancer
It’s clearly important to check our skin regularly, but how?
Dr Sagar has a good acronym for guiding your frequent checks of your skin.
‘This simple guide is used by skin specialists to help patients understand what they should be looking out for,’ he said.
- ‘A – asymmetry, when half the mole doesn’t match the other
- ‘B – border, when the outline of the mole is irregular, ragged or blurred
- ‘C – colour, when it varies throughout and/or there appears to be no uniform colour
- ‘D – diameter, if it’s greater than 6mm
- ‘E – evolving, or changes in the mole.
‘If you check your moles for these five points it can help you stay on top of any issues.But there is no substitute for having an appointment with a specialist, who will examine your skin and discuss any area of concern.’
Skin cancer myths debunked
Dr Sagar also wants to bust a couple of common myths you might be taking as truth.
He said that a mole doesn’t have to be itchy or bleeding to warrant a check-up; there are other more subtle changes or sometimes no symptoms at all.
That being said sometimes moles will just change a little over the years.
‘Moles can change over time,’ Dr Sagar said, ‘becoming raised and altering in colour, shape and size. Some even disappear altogether,’ said Dr Sagar.
‘This is where being aware of your skin is key, as changes that occur over months rather than years – moles becoming darker quickly – are definitely worth getting looked at as a matter of urgency.’

Another myth is that skin cancer affects those with a fair complexion more than someone with darker skin – and this is simply not true.
He said: ‘Yes, those with a darker complexion are slightly more protected from the sun than those who are very fair.
‘But it doesn’t mean they can’t be exposed to enough UV rays to damage the skin cells and increase the likelihood of developing a melanoma.’
Lastly, it’s also important to check all of our skin, not just our moles, for any changes.
So, go forth and get checking.
What to do if you’re worried about a mole
Cancer research advises: ‘See your GP if you develop a new mole or abnormal area of skin. This includes on the soles of your feet and the skin under your nails. Or if you notice a change to an existing mole.’
They recommend making a note of when you first noticed the abnormal mole or area of skin, and if there’s been any changes to it, as well as telling your doctor about any family history of cancer.
The GP will examine you and either confirm it’s not an issue of concern or refer you to a dermatology clinic that specialises in picking up suspicious moles and diagnosing melanoma.
If they don’t refer you, ask them to explain why you don’t need to have specialist tests (and consider writing this down to reassure yourself with the information after the appointment), whether there’s anything you can do to help yourself, and what changes you should look out for in future.
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