In the most recent episode of MAFS Australia, expert John Aiken confronted Eliot Donovan after he walked out on bride Lauren Hall on their honeymoon – ouch.
Eliot quickly rose to the rank of biggest red flag on Married at First Sight, that was until Tim Gromie entered the chat just one episode later. Nonetheless, his non-negotiables list and abrasive personality rubbed people the wrong way and some had suggested that Lauren dodged a bullet by him leaving.
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In the most recent episode, producers said that Eliot had demanded to chat with John about his MAFS experience and the reason he ditched Lauren two days into their honeymoon.
“The person I was matched with was nothing like that. I was expecting to meet a cute librarian girl who was younger than me,” he said.
“And I ended up with what felt like a Kardashian sister, and I really value moving my body and I have to do it everyday. And I want to meet someone healthy. When we were talking about exercise she had trouble running from one side of the tennis court to the other, and I want someone who is under 30, that’s something that works.”
When John suggested that dating women under 30 wasn’t working for him, Eliot said “I get that narrative” and John responded, “It’s not narrative, it’s just fact. You can’t tell me it’s worked, because you’re single and 35. I think that you are currently involved in a toxic pattern which is on full display.”
They eventually decided to end the chat because Eliot was not receiving what John was putting out. Though Eliot has since blamed “the edit” for his villainous arc, a source’s claims about the interview might do more to revive his straggling reputation.
The REAL reason Eliot sat down for a chat on MAFS might change your perspective
During the episode, it was made to look like Eliot had demanded the one-on-one chat from John, who himself said it was a never-before-seen moment.
“Eliot, this is highly unusual, typically I don’t get to talk to brides or grooms when they’re on their honeymoon,” John said in the interview.
But as it turns out, that might not be the case.
Speaking to So Dramatic about the tense interview, a source claimed that Eliot was “forced” to sit down with John despite not really wanting to.
The source revealed: “Eliot got completely stitched up by producers. He never asked to come back. They begged him to return, and he said no, so he was forced to return.
“He was there against his will, but they made out like he ‘demanded a sit-down with John’. It’s almost laughable at this point.”
That doesn’t excuse any of Eliot’s awful behaviour, but it does prove once again that reality TV is more scripted than reality.
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Featured image by: Nine